Funny notes written by people who were definitely not pleased

Funny notes written by people who were definitely not pleased

We meet all sorts of people during the course of our lives, and let’s face it – some, if not most of them are bound to be annoying. The best thing we can do when someone gets on our nerves is probably be honest about it. These people, who obviously got irritated by someone or something, were just being honest.
It just so happens that their honesty came in the form of an extremely funny notes. Whether they were being passive aggressive or just straight out complained about something, these people impressed us with their hilarious candor.

Dr. A. Hedgehog

While we understand the anger of Dr. A. Hedgeh, we also understand the inherent need to add a few extra letters to this sign. After all, the new and improved name sounds so much better! If we walked past this sign, there’s a high chance that we would whip out our Sharpie pen and add to the ‘og’ to the name.

Dr. A. Hedgehog

It seems we’re not alone in this because this doctor had to add his own letter to his door – and it wasn’t a happy one. You could say he was being a bit spiky about it. While he asked those responsible to stop their exploits, they just couldn’t stop themselves from doing it again. In their defense, he really shouldn’t have put his name at the end of this rant.

You will regret it

There’s nothing worse than having people knock on your door when they really have nothing useful to say. Most of the time you don’t want to talk about Jesus, you don’t want to buy new windows for your house, and you don’t want to buy Girl Scout cookies because you’re trying not to tempt yourself with sweet treats.

You will regret it

Yet, no matter how many times you don’t answer your doorbell, people continue to knock and knock. When you’re pregnant and cranky, this is not something you want to be hearing on a regular basis. So, this mom-to-be decided to say what she wanted to say once and for all. She’s being serious, y’all.

P.S.S I still love you

Have you ever wanted to be so mad with someone, but you just can’t seem to stay as angry as you want because you just love them so much? This kid was obviously feeling the strain this day because they just had to let out their feelings.

P.S.S I still love you

They wanted the person who had angered them to know what they had done, and that they wouldn’t be talking to them for the next day or so. They also wanted to clarify that it wasn’t just for a few hours. They wouldn’t be talking to them for the whole day, and that was final. At risk of sounding too harsh, however, they decided to end it on a lighter note.

A late-night movie sesh

When you have thin walls, you always have to be conscious of your neighbors. It’s cool to be considerate and to look out for those around you. Your neighbors don’t want to hear you singing along to Whitney Houston every time you go through a break up. They don’t want to hear you crashing around and making a Michelin-star meal at 3 am in the morning.

A late-night movie sesh

They definitely don’t want to hear you screaming along to your horror movies on their Friday or Saturday nights, and this neighbor wasn’t having any of it. We think this note shows just how angry they were because they were being weirdly nice because of it.

Feeling the love

Offices are a place of work and laughter, but they’re also a place for shared refrigerators. As soon as you place your lunch or any food items within this receptacle, you run the risk of having it stolen by someone else in the office.

Feeling the love

To try and ward people away from their salad dressing, this worker decided to spit in it and tell the rest of the world what they had done. However, this wasn’t too much of an issue for the person who was actually stealing it…

Neither should you

When you’re planning on doing something bad, you just need to think of WWJD. He wouldn’t steal your hot wings and pizza rolls, and that’s exactly what JJ and Destiny wanted to put across within their angry note.

Neither should you

All they wanted was to enjoy their food, but someone had to ruin it for them – and that wasn’t cool. They could have left it, but they wanted to teach this person/people a lesson. If Jesus wouldn’t steal pizza rolls and hot wings, you shouldn’t either. It’s as simple as that.

You sing horribly

If you love singing, it can often be hard to keep your songbird voice to yourself. It’s even harder to do so if you really can’t sing because you spend your days hoping that the practice will make it perfect.

You sing horribly

Of course, this rarely happens, and in the end, you just annoy your neighbors with your rendition of ‘Do You Hear The People Sing.’ This neighbor had obviously had enough with the Les Miserables attempts this day, because they had to speak for the whole world with this angry note.

You suck

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people steal things on a regular basis. They steal cars, they steal phones, and apparently, they even steal plants.

You suck

While we’re not sure why anyone would steal plants, this plant-owner was not too happy about the fact that their roses had been taken. They couldn’t believe that someone had been so selfish and low, and they couldn’t help but wonder what would be next on their hit list. Hopefully, the kittens are alright, but those people truly suck.

This is a threat, not a promise

One of the worst things about adulthood is that sometimes you just can’t afford to have your own home with your own laundry room. Instead, you have to deal with using a communal laundry room that you share with other people. Unless you have oodles of time on your hands, you normally have to put your wash on before heading back up to your apartment and wasting a few hours.

This is a threat, not a promise

Considering you fill these dryers with your undergarments and dirty clothing, you’d think it would be untouchable. Well, apparently not. This angry person found out the hard way, and they immediately set about seeking their revenge. They made a threat, not a promise, and the laundry thief should be quaking in their now-very-clean boots.

Hide yo’ bike

Sometimes angry people can have the best impact on the world because they make their anger known to the world. When this person discovered that their bicycle had been stolen, they didn’t just wallow in their own misery.

Hide yo’ bike

Instead, they decided to let the rest of the street know so that they could hide their kids, hide their wives, and hide their bikes. Yes, they may have been so angry that steam was coming out of their ears, but they weren’t a monster. They had to let the people know.

You have been warned

Parking is always a nightmare, and it can be pretty darn annoying when you can’t find anywhere to park. However, it’s important to know your car and understand what kind of spaces you can and can’t fit into.

You have been warned

On this occasion, this car squeezed into a space that was just too small for it – angering those who were parked nearby. One angry resident decided that enough was enough, but they were going to give the person the benefit of the doubt. They warned them and gave them a countdown. Tick tock.

You don’t wanna do that

If you’re a parent, you’ll know that getting your kids to bed can often be a struggle. They always want to sleep when it’s not convenient for you, and then they don’t want to sleep when you really, really want them to sleep.

You don’t wanna do that

This mom couldn’t take any chances after she finally got her crabby 2-year-old to sleep after a rough day, so she decided to give any visitors a warning. If they wanted to see a mom cry, then they could go ahead and ring the doorbell. If they didn’t want to make a mom cry, they should leave quietly.

You are the worst

There are three kinds of people in the world. There are those that are the best, there are those that are pretty average, and there are those that are the worst.

You are the worst

People who take up parking spaces make up a large portion of the latter category, and one passer-by just couldn’t let it slide. They got out a piece of paper, they found a pen at the bottom of their purse, and they decided to write a strongly worded note. Hopefully, it hit them where it hurts.

You stole my sunflowers?

We don’t know who would steal sunflowers in June 2010, but we hope they never encounter the person they stole them from. Who knows what this person would do if they’ve already cursed them with arthritis.

You stole my sunflowers?

While this threat might be a little odd, it shows just how angry someone can become when you cross them. Nobody steals sunflowers and gets away with it. However, as a person of faith, this person couldn’t leave their note on a sour tone. They just had to finish the note with a “cheers!”

I have a good aim

We live in a world full of dogs, but if you take on the responsibility of owning a dog you should also take on the responsibility of picking up its excrement. That’s just the way the world works.

I have a good aim

Although the person who wrote this note knew who was leaving their dog’s mess around the neighborhood, they decided to give them the chance to stop doing it. If they didn’t, they would pick it up and throw it at those committing the doo-doo crime. It would probably get in their mouth.

Not angry, just disappointed

Sometimes in life, things are so bad that you end up not being angry, but disappointed instead. We really feel for this kid, who just wanted his mom or dad to make him a nice sandwich. It’s not too much to ask for, is it?

Not angry, just disappointed

Unfortunately, things did not go to plan and the kid was left with stale bread and rotten cheese, and he just couldn’t hide his disappointment. This note was left on the kitchen table, for his parents to really think about what they had done.

Desperate times

In every office, there’s a person who takes other people’s food without asking first. If you don’t think your office has one, by the way, it’s probably you. Regardless, this anguished soul has been putting up with someone stealing their butter, of all things, for a while.

Desperate times

The aggrieved party here seems to be on the edge, ready to explode at any moment, because they figured desperate times called for desperate – and wet – measures. For the entire office’s sake, we really hope that butter was returned unharmed.

A particular set of skills

Living in an apartment building certainly has advantages, but also quite a few drawbacks. One of those distinct disadvantages is people too lazy to go down to street level to throw out their trash, so they just leave it willy-nilly outside your door.

A particular set of skills

This person had clearly had enough, and you might say that he was “Taken” with anger. Get it? Sure you do. Anyway, his very particular set of skills is likely breaking his foot off in the litterbug’s behind.

Obligatory celebrity cameo

Remember Grumpy Cat? She was popular for a hot second in 2012, and has been coasting on her fame ever since. There was even a Grumpy Cat comic book, for Pete’s sake!

Obligatory celebrity cameo

And so, when someone parked in the spot belonging to this note’s author, he recruited the feline celeb to give the whole thing a more laid-back, humorous air… but still threatened the offender that if it ever happened again, their car would be towed. We’re sure Grumpy Cat would have approved.

Not a fan, huh?

Every so often, there comes a television show that just becomes a cultural event. It transcends the boundaries of television, and springs into the rule world, becoming something people define themselves through.

Not a fan, huh?

Game of Thrones is absolutely one such show, with a fanbase as rabid as any we’ve ever seen. This person clearly isn’t a member, though. He has not watched Game of Thrones last night, and he doesn’t care to hear you talking about it either. What a party pooper.

Showing admiration

This note is really something special. Apart from the graceful illustration of a ferret, it also offers up about 80 percent of your recommended daily dose of sarcasm.

Showing admiration

Its author begins by congratulating the recipient on how well they’ve parked, and just as that person’s chest begins to swell up with pride, he sees the rest of the text. Doesn’t feel like such an accomplishment now, does it? Then again, wouldn’t it be amazing if it turned out to be true and someone actually did that?


Speaking of office bandits, someone has been stealing this woman’s coffee creamer, and she’s none too pleased about it. Luckily, as a mom, she saw it as clear as day before her – the perfect revenge scheme.


Just replace the creamer with something else of a more or less similar color and consistency, and the thief would soon be regretting their misdeeds. But what could she use? What, oh what could she use? Then, like the Grinch, a devious smile appeared on her face. Milk – it does a body good?

Is it really her, though?

We have to admit we’re not 100 percent sure what’s going on in this one. There are really two options here, and both are equally disturbing.

Is it really her, though?

The first option is that someone got so sick and tired of other people taking their cinnamon or whatever is in there that they slapped a note on the jar saying it was grandma’s remains. The second option is that those ARE actually the cremated remains of an elderly lady, in which case… why are they in the fridge? We may never know.

Leaving a poor review

In this day and age, the internet has made it easier than ever to let our voices be heard. Did you have a bad experience at a hotel? Go to TripAdvisor and leave an angry review.

Leaving a poor review

Was the food at a restaurant not to your liking? Just head over to Yelp and let them know about it. It really couldn’t be easier. Not this party, though. When they were ignored for 30 minutes, they went old school, leaving the server wondering just one thing – “would you like fries with that?”

A for effort

This person was a special kind of irate when their bike was stolen. First off, we have to give him props for the accompanying illustration, which was drawn from memory and – as he helpfully points out – may not be to scale.

A for effort

Moving on, he goes on to describe the bike in excruciating detail, as if it was the love of his life, but then comes the kicker. He doesn’t want the bike back, and he’s not offering a reward. He just hopes the thief rides them stragitht to the afterlife.


Most of us have a person in our lives that is the classic underachiever type. They never finish anything they start – from a college degree to a show on Netflix – and it drives everyone they know up the wall. Here, that underachiever intersected with the office food thief.


Would he just finish the entire box of blueberries and throw away the box, destroying the evidence? “Nah, that’s, like, too much effort, man. I’m just gonna leave three in there and have the next guy do it.”

Achievement unlocked

Look, we get it. The person who wrote this note was clearly irate that people were leaving doggie doo on that bench. Side note: how does that even happen? Did they place them on the bench specifically so they could go? Weird!

Achievement unlocked

Regardless, we see where this note is coming from. We have maybe just one tip – next time don’t phrase it like you’re challenging them. We don’t even own a dog and we feel like going out and getting one just so we can get to “disgusting slob” status.

The bread-leaving saga

These four notes were all left by the same person, who noticed someone was just dropping bread (?) all over their neighborhood. We think they’re kind of fascinating, actually, in how they trace the writer’s slow yet staggering descent into madness.

The bread-leaving saga

In the third note, they say that the bread-leaving is now “being watched carefully,” as if anyone would devote a portion of their day to stalking people who drop bread on the street. And buddy, if you have to ask “Do you understand?” in your fourth note on the matter, it’s clear that they don’t.

Enjoy your poltergeists

The first question raised by this angry note is what kind of person would steal a doormat. Sure, a Ouija board one is pretty cool, but still. It does seem that the doormat thief may have gotten a little more than they bargained for, as the Ouija board doormat is – perhaps predictably – cursed.

Enjoy your poltergeists

You know what? That’s probably not true, but it does give us an amazing idea for a screen play. “Ouija board doormat – the haunted doormat of doom.” Okay, the title might still need some work, but that’s Oscar-potential writing!

Don’t hold your breath, Judy

Judy from room 1180N tried getting a candy bar out of this vending machine. When she failed, she was so infuriated that she literally went back to her room, took a pen and some paper, and wrote this note. We think you’ll agree with us when we say it was well worth the effort.

Don’t hold your breath, Judy

Perhaps she thought the vending machine’s operator would track her down and pay her back the buck and a quarter she’s owed. The person who scribbled on the bottom of Judy’s note clearly disagreed, though, and gave her advice on healthier living.

Now look what you went and did

Having your food taken by someone at the office is probably the worst part of office life. Just imagine, this person spent his entire morning daydreaming about his Diet Coke. Then, when the time came to finally taste this legendary nectar of the gods, they found it had been stolen.

Now look what you went and did

We have to say, though, that the way they handled it was probably the cutest angry note writing we’ve ever seen. We don’t want that penguin to be sad so much that we’ll buy you a new can!

Helpful visuals

It seems as though some people need a little extra help when it comes to understanding the rules and regulations of the world. Yes, the person who wrote this note certainly seems to think so too.

Helpful visuals

Not only did they decide to let this awful parker know that they were in their space, but they also decided to draw a helpful little diagram just in case the words didn’t quite sink in. They don’t care where the awful parker parks, just as long as it’s not within their parameters, okay?

Raising a toast

If you’re the kind of person that loves to eat toast, you’ll know that there’s nothing worse than eating toast that’s not quite the right toastiness for you. Whether you like it slightly browned or whether you like it golden and crisp, everyone has their own toasty thing.

Raising a toast

The large majority of people in this office were obviously not fans of burned toast, so they decided to get a little creative with their note. After all, nobody makes Mr. Toast sad like that.

Please stop it

One of the worst things about working in an office is having to share the communal refrigerator. You’re just asking for someone to steal your food, right? Well, it seems as though TN, Daniel, and the hot dog lover were pretty fed up with their food going stolen, so they decided to write their own colorful notes.

Please stop it

However, the criminal stealing their food obviously had other ideas, and obviously had other meals on the brain. They were just getting bored with the same old food, you know?


If you’ve ever seen someone park atrociously, you’ve probably wondered why they’re just so bad. Do their eyes need testing? Do they not know the rules of the road? Were they distracted? Well, it seems as though you don’t have to worry any longer, because this person has figured out the answer.


They just wanted to give a big ol’ congratulations to this parker, because they were obviously the most important person in the world. That’s the only reason why they would park in such a way.

An impressive sound system

You know what we really, really love? Sarcasm. When trying to write an angry note, sarcasm can come in pretty handy, and it can really help showcase what you’re mad about. When this person – and probably all of their neighbors – had to listen to an impressive sound system at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, they just had to say something.

An impressive sound system

However, rather than calling out the person and their inability to think of others, they decided to praise the sound system instead. We think it definitely does the job.

Still there

Anyone who has a dog will know that picking up their business is one of the grossest things about your furry friends, but it’s just something that needs to be done. Of course, there are some people out there who don’t do that – and it’s not cool.

Still there

When one neighbor hoped that the falling snow would cover up their dog’s doo-doo, they figured that they would get away with not picking it up. Oh, how wrong they were! While snow covers a multitude of sins, it doesn’t cover dog doo-doo when it melts.

Just for Dave

There’s honestly nothing worse than someone taking something from a communal refrigerator that you had been thinking about all day.

Just for Dave

Dave was so fed up with people taking his green tea that he decided to take in a few extras and then stick a little note to them, stating the fact that those called Dave are the only ones allowed to drink it. However, what he didn’t realize was that there was another Dave in the office, and they were feeling pretty thirsty…

A tasty side

If you’ve ever had your food stolen, you’ll know that it can honestly be a traumatic experience. After all, that could be your food for the day, and one sneaky thief denies you of any sustenance or nutrition. Do they not know that human beings have to eat to survive.

A tasty side

When this person discovered that their sandwich had been stolen, they knew that they had to make it a crime scene. Nobody was going to steal their food and get away from it.

Every move you make

It’s always nice to receive love letters, as these declarations of love are one of the best ways to show the ones closest to you that they mean something to you. Of course, we bet this person was pretty confused when this particular love note made its way under the door.

Every move you make

It’s not the most loved-up letter we’ve ever seen, but at least there are some lovely words in it, right? Let’s just hope the person reading it got the hint that their steps were pretty audible. Especially through the floor.


Do you regularly see bad parkers dotted around town? Well, it might be time to put your free printing coupons to good use. Instead of just eyeballing them and muttering under your breath, why don’t you do something about it?


This person decided to do just that and created this epic cards that they could just slot under the wipers of those that annoyed them. We hope that the people who received these things framed them and then put them on their walls. That’s some nice lettering.

Unleashing their wrath

If a space isn’t yours to park in, you really shouldn’t leave your car there. Not only because it’s not allowed, but also because you might bring about some unfortunate consequences. According to this sign, there’s nowhere worse you could park than right here.

Unleashing their wrath

Doing so will not only unleash “The wrath of the ancients,” but it will also bring about a rabid squirrel invasion and cause your shoelaces to become untied. Worst of all, though, you’ll become a social pariah at parties. Who would want that to happen?

Their final selfie

The selfie trend has been growing ever since mobile phones got front-facing cameras. Their growing popularity led to the creation of the selfie stick, a device that’s seemingly hated by everyone bar those who use it.

Their final selfie

Britney here is clearly one of those people because apparently, she wasn’t happy when she discovered that her partner owned one. It seems she found it while her boyfriend was away, and the discovery forced her to make a big decision about her relationship. The outcome? It’s not good news for Simon.

The wrong font

There’s something to be said about the font you use when making a sign. You could always just go with one of the standard options, or maybe something that really stands out. However, what you shouldn’t choose is Comic Sans.

The wrong font

That’s according to this one employee, anyway, who seemingly can’t stand the font. They don’t think it’s something that a Fortune 500 company should be using, and they made that very clear in their sign. We wonder whether or not their criticism was taken on board.

Never seen again

Sometimes, the best threats are the simplest ones. You don’t need to go into detail about what you’re going to do to someone; you just need to strike fear into them. We’d say this sign does a pretty good job of that.

Never seen again

It doesn’t elaborate on what will happen if you park here. However, it does point out that the last car that parked in this area was never seen again. Maybe something happened to it; maybe something didn’t. You’ll never know the truth, and that’s why it’s so unnerving.

This is the last time

Is there someone in your life you always turn to whenever you need help with something. Maybe they’re someone that frequently loans you money when you’re skint, or who gives you a bed for the night when things are bad at home.

This is the last time

Judging from this sign, this woman is someone who regularly has to pick her loved one up at the airport. Although she keeps doing it, she obviously isn’t happy about it. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have said she hoped this was the last time she had to do it.

No more excuses

People seem to come up with all sorts of excuses for why they need to park somewhere they shouldn’t. Evidently, this person has received quite a few reasons for drivers breaking the rules, from someone getting their pension to another putting flowers in church.

No more excuses

One person even told them they were having a heart attack, although judging from the way they phrased it, something tells us they weren’t being honest. With any luck, this sign will dissuade anyone else from trying to park there, although we wouldn’t bet on it.

Consuming their souls

Why do people steal? Seriously, why? Can’t everyone just be happy with the things they have? Unfortunately not, judging by how often office supplies go missing. This person has clearly had quite a few of their beloved pens get taken, to the point that they’ve decided to fight back.

Consuming their souls

From the sounds of it, they mean business too. Anyone who takes their pens from now on is going to have their soul consumed, because clearly filing a complaint is so last year. Well, we suppose stealing should have some consequences.

Hiding their true feelings

On the surface, this note seems pretty sweet. It’s a cute message from a child telling their mother how they found their lunch. The heart and smiley face at the end suggests that there’s nothing malicious about their words.

Hiding their true feelings

However, when you see what they actually wrote, suddenly that emoji reads like one big fake smile. If they’re so happy, why are they telling their mom that their lunch tasted “horribble [sic] for some reason?’ Moreover, why was it that their food tasted so bad in the first place?

Not his responsibility

It’s never fun when you get forced to do things all the time, even though it’s not your responsibility. Maybe someone keeps asking you to do it, or perhaps you feel inclined because no-one else is pulling their weight.

Not his responsibility

Either way, it’s super frustrating, so we get where Brian is coming from. It’s not his job to wash up all the time – theirs a dishwasher for that. However, it seems no-one is ever putting anything in it, leaving poor Brian here to deal with everyone’s mess – literally.

I made a sign

The point of going to protests is to fight against something you’re angry about. No matter what it is, this is your chance to show how you feel. Although a lot of them fall on deaf ears, some protests can really make a difference.

I made a sign

Of course, some of the signs you see at these events are more impactful than others. While this person definitely feels some kind of way, expressing their opinions doesn’t seem to be their strong suit. That’s why they opted for these seven simple but effective words.

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